The folks who brought the lawsuit to the SC made plain their desire to see Griswald, Loving, Obergefell and Lawrence all overturned. Christo-fascism is on the march. The only way I see that can stop them is some kind of a nationwide strike. And we know how likely that is.

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Back when Andrew Sullivan (no supporter of abortion) had his blog he asked readers who experienced late-term abortions to write him to explain their reasons for going through with them. He printed many responses and they were heart breaking. In no case were the decisions made lightly, and harm to the child and mother were more than probable. In most cases the mother had had children and were frightened as to what the effect on their families would be. The presumed direction of the Supreme Court on abortion is very sad. An already hot and politicized issue will become more so. The writer Josh Marshall discussed how not only red states will restrict abortions but also because of gerrymandering, purple states may go in that direction too. An already angry country is about to become even more so.

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