What depresses me about the election is *not* what Trump will do over the next four years.

What depresses me is that I live in a country where half the country wanted Trump.

Half the country denies the reality of Trump trying to overturn the 2020 election.

They think Trump is a patriot - he's the least patriotic politician I've known.

They think Trump is smart - anybody who thinks Trump is smart has never met a smart person.

I don't know what can be done.

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Nice - DRI - nothing like a little punk rock to cure existential dread - but yes, I feel it and have stepped away a great deal from the firehose of information - and my brain feels better. 💙✨

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Who in their right mind wants a leader who uses GO TO HELL , in a Christmas statement.

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Yes, I have had it, and please spare us any further election analyses. Harris lost because she got fewer votes than Trump in the states where it mattered most. And that happened because Trump's and the Republicans' lies were more effective than Harris's and the Democrats' truth. What's the saying? Lies go around the world before truth can put its boots on. And we had a cranky electorate. But I still don't understand why half the country doesn't mind. Merry Christmas to all, and happy Hanukkah to the rest of us.

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Bad movie (and I know there's a lot of room on this bandwagon) - Something About Mary. I would have walked out if I hadn't been with friends. I also wasn't thrilled with Amelie or Chocolat -- whimsy just isn't my thing.

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