Sep 13·edited Sep 13

This spewing of racist lies about Haitian immigrants in Springfield Ohio is the darkest, vilest aspect of any presidential campaign I can remember. And I am old, I can remember a lot of campaigns, including what W did to McCain in 2000 and the Willie Horton ugliness in the 1980s.

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I'm really getting tired of the media trying to tamp down on the growing excitement about Harris with their "But will it last?" narrative. They did the same thing with Roe being overturned: "women are upset now but will they still next month," like being reduced to reproductive chattel whose own lives didn't matter was something women would just brush off. All I see in my circles is excitement growing. And it's really just another version of horse race coverage, the media's biggest failure, when they should be focusing on what the candidates are saying about what they want to do. Right now the authoritarian right is so close to their 40-year goal of destroying our human rights they are salivating and will do everything they can to break our democracy. And the media learned nothing from 2016 — nothing at all.

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