I've long had a problem with Tlaib, a smug, mouthy, flame-throwing asshole, so this comes as no surprise. While her colleague Ilhan Omar has increasingly kept her head down and tried to stay out of the line of fire, Tlaib seems to invite it. I've never forgiven her for laughing and clapping for an audience booing a mention of Hillary Clinton — in 2020, years after Clinton retired from politics. People like her don't help to calm some very troubled waters; they just make things worse.

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Your comment about the Donald - he did build part of the wall, with stolen military funds. But he most definitely did NOT GET MEXICO TO PAY FOR IT.

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The greatest anti-Semites on the planet are the members of Likud, aipac and their backers in the US govt.

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Tlaib also just called for Secretary Blinken to resign, I honestly don't know what she's trying to accomplish at this point

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