I am not a Democrat, so far be it for me to tell Democrats how to feel.

But...it irks the living heck out of me how so many Progressives act aggrieved. They constantly whine how they want to vote for someone that they 'really' believe in who matches their political views. I, a conservative, have never voted for someone who fully matches my views and I feel I make genuine compromises on my beliefs on every vote. But more importantly for this conversation: I support Israel and their right to destroy a genocidal organization like Hamas which has shown and stated its intent to keep performing 10/7 style attacks on Jews until they leave.

Jayapal and her ilk are making demands for their votes, to which I reply: should I make the same demands of Biden? If he caves to their demands then, using their logic, I then should revoke my support. If 10-15% of Progressive voters decline to support Biden, that could cost him. Well, it could ALSO cost him if more voters like me abandon Biden too (especially if other conservatives actually cross the aisle and vote for Trump).

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I feel like the whole "Arab-Americans in Michigan are going to abandon Biden because he didn't wave his wand and fix Gaza" narrative has largely been fabricated by a media desperate for conflict and suspense. What these alleged "soured on Biden" Arab-Americans want he can't do and if he were to give it to them, then would Jews — a much more reliable Democrat base — abandon him? I wonder if the media isn't pulling another "white blue-collar man in a rural diner" stunt, beating the bushes for a few people (possible Arab-Americans who were already on the right, as some are) to validate the story they wanted to tell. It just seems to me far-fetched that a significant number of Arab-Americans would sit on the sideline pouting, knowing it helps the candidate who has said he'll keep all Palestinians out of the country, who has expressed Islamophobia in many of his actions, and who would basically give Netanyahu the green light to level Gaza AND the West Bank. I think the media is making this more of a story than is there because in their world everything is bas for Biden and everything Trump does is genius. Speaking of which, oh lookie in the NYTImes newsletter just a few hours ago "Trump’s delay strategy seems to be working.

The schedules for Donald Trump’s criminal trials are still coming into focus, but one thing seems clear: His strategy of seeking delays is paying off."

Official NY Times take. Trump: genius. Biden: hopelessly flawed bumbler. (Whether Trump's

"strategy" is "paying off" is deeply unclear at this point, except to the adoring NY Times.)

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