I've never understood the argument that DeSantis has no charisma but Trump supposedly does. For me and all my anti-Trump friends, Trump has never had an ounce of charisma or charm.

The one quality that I'll concede to Trump is that he seems to be at ease in front of a crowd. Is this what people mean when they give Trump credit for his public presence?

(I agree with Anastasia, I assumed you meant DeSantis in that section).

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The charisma thing makes no sense to me but I think it's pretty clear that Trump's supporters find him charismatic. Like I said it's a mystery to me.

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Is this correct: "Trump was so immersed in the conservative echo chamber — and so terminally online — that he spent much of his campaign trying to win over the nuttiest members of the Republican Party and far too little time coming up with a coherent rationale as to why he should be president." it seems odd. Did you mean to say "DeSantis"?

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Yup, I meant to say DeSantis. Nice catch and it's fixed in the piece now.

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