I've never posted on a cite, preferring to leave the talking to those who know how to. President Biden's decision to totally withdraw our troops has left me profoundly saddened. We just cut and run everywhere. twenty years is a long time an I'm not one of the soldiers stationed there, but the Taliban is going to walk in there and reinstitute a terrible and tragic reign. Years ago I met a decorated soldier who had served two stints in Afghanistan. "I know you're not supposed to say anything, but, Afghanistan—in or out?"

His reply was very moving. "It's a country worth fighting for," he said, "especially the women and children, who have made gains and enjoyed freedoms they couldn't have had without us, but it will take a hundred years to fundamentally change it and we won't have the will to stay there that long. Still, it seems we owe them something and keeping a force that would prevent Taliban from totally taking over would seem to be the least we could do."

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My wife and I, and all four of my kids/kids in law, are fully vaccinated. Yet we still mask. I suspect we are not alone. If there are a significant number of other folks like us, would that be keeping the numbers lower on the getting-covid-list?

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