It seems to me that the response to Elon Musk and the possible demise of Twitter is, in all due respect Mr. Cohen, way out of proportion when you compare these events to so many other events happening here and around the world at this time in history. To least a few the war in Ukraine, ongoing child poverty, lack of educational opportunities, environmental concerns, rampant homelessness, deteriorating health, and so on and so on. Must I say more. We still gave FB, Instagram, Snapchat, multiple news sources both on the Internet and elsewhere. What am I missing here?

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“affect” not “effect”

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It was on Good Morning America several years ago that Twitter was introduced and heralded as the answer to effective and efficient online communication.

🤔 🧐 🤨

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Couldn't agree with you more about Musk. I was on Twitter from 2009 until just recently. I am off for good now!

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