So why couldn't people learn all about Trump and his opinions in an interview without a handpicked adoring claque for an audience? How about no audience or a mixed audience? Having only ardent supporters advances the idea that "half" the country is totally in his pocket. For me it was that biased audience that caused this to slip from "useful to know" to "staged propaganda."

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"half" the country is totally in his pocket"

I might not be half but it's more than 40 percent. He got 46 percent in the last election and he's polling near those levels now.

But every town hall that CNN does with candidates has party members. CNN did it in 2020 with Democrats. I guess I don't really understand how having a partisan audience diminishes the news value.

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Still not "half" given the number of eligible voters who didn't vote. And how many of those who voted for them are now backing away? I know three personally. I do think it diminishes the news value; I think it would be more interesting to hear how Trump responds without being supported & egged on by an audience, since so much of his fragile ego depends on validation and adoration.

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And yes, I'm aware some are saying the audience wasn't as adoring as it seemed but the very fact that that has to be claimed & explained shows that CNN must've gone out of its way to create a biased impression.

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