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If there's no change in the race and it's clear Biden is able to do the job (and it's clear Trump isn't and is the front man for a group of extremists, even if the media is blacking this out) why is it 'best" he drop out since no other candidate (including Harris, whom the media will destroy even quicker than they did Biden) can mount a winning campaign in a matter of months and is sure to lose to Trump? And every backbench Democrat desperate for attention who is urging him to drop out is playing into the media frenzy which values excitement over balance, fairness, accuracy and the survival of democracy. WE are the weak point. Compare us to Trumpers whose faith in Dear Leader nothing, no matter how outrageous, can shake. I've never seen so vividly how we do ourselves in with our own faithlessness and weak-mindedness. Sadly, I'm going to unsubscribe to any news outlet or newsletter that urges Biden drop out thereby conceding the race to Trump. I can't support political suicide.

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