Jun 25Liked by Michael A. Cohen

Thank you, Michael. I have heard too much cheering for the events of October 7. American Jews are being threatened and harassed even though they aren't part of the Israeli government or have anything to do with the fighting. Should we harass Americans of Russian descent because we object to Putin's destruction of Ukraine?

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I'm no fan of AIPAC at all but invoking it in a knee-jerk fashion gives me awful flashbacks to our own Democratic congressional primaries in 2021 and 2022 when Nina Turner blamed it for her own incendiary language, long before October 7 of last year. Our district (OH-11) has a large Jewish population as well, including one of the largest Orthodox populations between New York and Chicago, and Nina chose to blame "outside money" for her loss instead of her big mouth unattached to a discerning mind. I saw with my own eyes at the July 4 parade through the Orthodox neighborhood how they greeted Shontel Brown enthusiastically; AIPAC didn't order them to do so. BTW Shontel is currently ranked more progressive than Jamal Bowman .

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AIPAC is a fascist organization that works on behalf of a foreign govt.

I encourage everyone to read the article that Michael is riffing on and to click on the links embedded.

Bowman’s actions and words aren’t nearly as nefarious and strident as Michael suggests.

For instance - Michael makes it a big deal that bowman only won reelection in 2022 with 54% of the vote. Well, he only got 56% of the Democratic vote in 2020. So is that a clear indication he rubbed many the wrong way in 2 yrs? Also, the long time incumbent, aipac endorsed loser in 2020 got just about all the rest. But in 2022 the non bowman vote was split almost equally among two challengers. That’s hardly an indication that folks were leaving him.

The no-vote on the infrastructure deal was because he wanted it to go further and was intended to be a signal to the senate to restore what was cut from the first drafts. Not some kind of stealth Republican vote.

The decision not to attend the Herzog speech was made to indicate his displeasure with Herzog’s unwillingness to push back against Likud and Bibi.

There is no abandonment of American Jews by progressives. There may finally be some Washingtonian pushback against Israeli desire to finally solve their Palestinian problem. And before you think I’m getting too cute we only need to look at the words coming out of Israeli politicians. Why just yesterday here’s the Israeli minister for equality - "I am personally proud of the ruins of Gaza, and that every baby, even 80 years from now, will tell their grandchildren what the Jews did." Comments by Ben Gvir and Smotrich are even more genocidal.

AIPAC better watch out. Too much fascism and the tide turns. According to gallop a majority of democrats now have an unfavorable view of Israel and a majority of all Americans no longer support Israel’s actions in Gaza.

We should call out antisemitism. We should also acknowledge that anti-Palestinian actions and views are far more prevalent. Here’s some extreme violence committed against Palestinians since Oct - 3 Palestinian students shot in Vermont. Palestinian boy knifed to death in Chicago. Multiple assaults by fanatical zionists in LA against peace protesters. Attempted drowning of Palestinian children in Texas. Thankfully this kind of ultra violence has not been visited upon American Jews.

I hope Bowman wins. I want a day when the US Congress and President are no longer rubber stamps for Likud.

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Just one minor point here.

"Michael makes it a big deal that bowman only won reelection in 2022 with 54% of the vote. Well, he only got 56% of the Democratic vote in 2020. So is that a clear indication he rubbed many the wrong way in 2 yrs?"

In 2020 he was running against an incumbent -- Elliot Engel. In 2022, he was the incumbent and it's pretty unusual for a newly elected representative to do that poorly or even have a contested primary.

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In generalities you are correct.

In this particular case they reconfigured his district between elections. They carved out a large chunk of the Bronx and replaced it with suburbs up to the CT border.

It’s entirely possible that whitening and gentrifying the district hurt his numbers. It at least suggests a more granular examination is necessary before making declarative statements as to his popularity across elections.

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Sorry this doesn't really fly for me. What Bowman's underwhelming performance in the 2022 primary and his loss tonight says to me that he pissed off a lot of constituents -- which is really the point of my article. I get why people want to make this about AIPAC but that's not why he lost. He was down double-digits before AIPAC spent a dime on ads. He was a lousy congressman who didn't understand or respect the people of his district and he paid a price for that.

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I don’t see how you can so easily dismiss his district losing his natural constituency after his first election but hey, you may be right. I don’t live in the Bronx. Maybe they soured on him too.

With the election of the geriatric, white, incrementalist, aipac approved liberal I am drawn to the words of Dr King and his thoughts on the same.

You’re very insistent that aipac had no part to play in this. That’s crazy talk. AIPAC made this the MOST EXPENSIVE primary in history because they thought their money was going to make sure Bowman lost. They were correct. Now we have another American politician beholden to Likud and favor of the slaughter in Gaza. And, I am again not getting cute with my words. AIPAC is very proud and vocal about their politician minder program and their support for Likud.

One more thing - from the aipac website - “So far this cycle, an AIPAC-endorsed candidate has won in every district (195 races) where an endorsee was on the ballot.”

This is fools gold. Public sentiment is changing despite the best efforts of major media and most of Washington. People under 30 are much more likely than older people to support Palestinians. Once the boomers finally go it’s entirely possible if not probable that American support for whatever Likud wants to do to Palestine will wane. Then what? What happens to Israel when the USA no longer protects them internationally? Does Israel become a pariah like 1980’s South Africa?

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