Feb 15, 2021Liked by Michael A. Cohen

Your former colleague, Globe Columnist Renée Graham, nails Trump and his followers very well in her Feb. 11, 2021 conclusion: "When windows shattered at the Capitol and legislators ran for their lives, the insurrectionists on Trump’s orders made it clear where they stand — for violence and sedition, and against a democracy they want to steal from the rest of us." White citizens who hope to perpetuate Trump's racist rhetoric reject his 60+ court cases that were lost, love his endless lies, and are blinded by the 7 million more citizens who elected Joe Biden. A modicum of compassion for families ravaged by Covid-19 last year leading up to the Nov. 3 election would have very likely left him in power for 4 more years. Thankfully, compassion and empathy lined up resoundingly on the side of reason. Joe Biden won! Trump shot himself in both feet time and again. Now he can rant and rave for a thousand days while Biden does what he can to respect the constitution and restore the underpinnings of our national institutions and our international commitment to representative democracy.

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I guess I don't understand how such criminal, con is able to be able to pretend to be running again. After running coup against our country breaking every security their is to protect our country list goes on. If this guy able to run , rest of Rep in power are able to keep their seats not go to jail for their crimes. Leading coup to hold power . That my opinion show how corrupt the whole system is at every level of gov

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